Dr. Horst Glaser
Institut für Organische Chemie
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Henkestr. 42
91054 Erlangen
Tel.: +49-(0)9131-8522989
Fax: +49-(0)9131-8521165
Kationeneinbau in tetranukleare, adamantanoide Metallchelatkomplexe
Oligonukleare Metallchelatkomplexe auf Basis bis- und tris-bidentater Liganden
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen:
- Self-Assembly of Tetrahedral and Trigonal Antiprismatic Clusters
[Fe4(L4)4] and [Fe6(L5)6] on the Basis of Trigonal Tris-Bidentate Chelators
R. W.Saalfrank, H. Glaser, B. Demleitner, F. Hampel, M. M.Chowdhry, V. Schünemann, A.
X.Trautwein, G. B. M.Vaughan, R. Yeh, A. V.Davis, K. N.Raymond,
Chem. Eur. J. 2002, 8, 493-497.
- Enantiomerisation of Tetrahedral Homochiral [M4L6
] Clusters: Synchronized Four Bailar Twists and Six Atropenantiomerisation Processes
Monitored by Temperature-Dependent Dynamic 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Rolf W. Saalfrank, Bernhard Demleitner, Horst Glaser, Harald Maid, Daniela Bathelt, Frank H
ampel, Walter Bauer, Markus Teichert
Chem. Eur. J., 2002, 8, 2679-2683.
- A Domino Aldol Addition/Hemiketal Formation/Hemiketal Formation/
Epimerization Route to a Heteroadamantane. A Crystal-Structure, NMR, and Computational Study
Horst Glaser, Ralph Puchta, Nico J. R. van Eikema Hommes, Dirk Leusser, Alexander Murso,
Dietmar Stalke, Walter Bauer, Rolf W. Saalfrank Helv. Chim. Acta, 2002, 85
, 3828 - 3841
- Synthesis of Tetrahemispheraplexes with Ammonium, Alkylammonium or Alkaline Metal Ions as Exohedral Guests via Self-Assembly or Guest Exchange
Rolf W. Saalfrank, Bernhard Demleitner, Horst Glaser, Harald Maid, Stefan Reihs,
Walter Bauer, Monica Maluenga, Frank Hampel, Markus Teichert, Harald Krautscheid
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. , 2003, 6, 822-829, 1253-1254.
Erstellt am 11.03.2003 von Ralph Puchta
Erreichbar unter/Send me e-mail to: Ralph.Puchta@chemie.uni-erlangen.de