The crew of chemists
As loose and funny the impression on stage may be, behind these actors hide serious scientists:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Rudi van Eldik is Professor for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry and since 1994 full professor at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. There is a serious scientist behind the show master which is proven by his list of scientific publications that is exceeded in its performance by only a few.
The rest of the crew consists of engaged Ph.D. students and scientific collaborators within his chair. It is the result of the team’s scientific background, all experiments on stage run smooth and safe.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Rudi van Eldik, Head of the Chair of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry.
Magic Show:
Team leader, Show Master. |
Scientific interest:
Research on inorganic, bioinorganic and organometallic reaction mechanisms. Development of high pressure techniques and chemical analysis of computer waste. |
Dr. Carlos Dücker-Benfer, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Show management, idea and show concept, actor and experimentator.
Scientific interest:
The influence of metal-carbon bonds on the reactivity of complexes of inert metal centers. Commissioner for dangerous substances. "Alles wird gut - The lab safety movie": Idea, script, director. |
Dr. Peter Illner, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Idea and show concept, actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Ivestigations on inorganic reaction mechanisms in Ionic Liquids using stopped-flow methods. |
Dr. Christoph Fertinger, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Webmaster, multimedia, actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Activation of peroxides by model systems of cytochrome P450. |
Dr. Matthias Schmeißer, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Organisation of events, actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Reactions of Fe(III) porphyrins with NO in ionic liquids. |
Dr. Stephanie Hochreuther, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Synthesis and reactivity of dinuclear Platinum(II) complexes. |
Dr. Sabine Rothbart, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Catalytic activity of Manganese(II) complexes for the activation of hydrogen peroxide. |
Dr. Svetlana Begel, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Mechanistic studies dealing with the activation of small molecules in ionic liquids. |
Dr. Ariane Brausam, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Activation of hydrogen peroxide with Iron(III) complexes. |
Jochen Schmidt, CTA
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Analysis of conductor boards, sample preparation and decomposition, AAS and ICP, lecture assistant. |
Dr. Ralph Puchta, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Quantumchemical investigations on inorganic reaction mechanisms. |
Raquel Urpi Bertran, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Determination of halogen, phosphor and nitrogen containing additives in polymers from the electronic and building industry. |
Oliver Tröppner, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Tuning of the SOD activity of seven coordinated Maganese and Iron complexes. |
Tom Godau, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Actor and experimentator. |
Scientific interest:
Enantiopure Scorpionate Ligands and their complexes. |
Simon Kern, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Music and sound effects. |
Scientific interest:
Activation of small molecules in ionic liquids. |
Felix Friedel, Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Multimedia presentation and projection technics. |
Scientific interest:
Tuning of the SOD activity of seven coordinated Maganese and Iron complexes. |
Igor Burmazovic
Magic Show:
Camera and projection technics. |
Dr. Achim Zahl, Dipl. Phys.
Magic Show:
Coordination of lighting effects. |
Scientific interest:
High pressure NMR techniques. |
Dr. Erika Ember, Dipl. Ing.
Magic Show:
Stage lighting, spot lights. |
Scientific interest:
Mechanistic studies on the activation of small molecules by metal complexes of industrial relevance. |
Thomas Roth, Qualified Food Chemist
Magic Show:
Stage lighting, spot lights. |
Scientific interest:
Investigations on the extraction behavior of flame retardants using chromatographic techniques. |
Dr. Marion Wolf Dipl. Chem.
Magic Show:
Scientific interest:
Analysis of electronic components. |
Dr. Malgorzata Brindell, MSc.
Magic Show:
Logistics and show procedure. |
Scientific interest:
Mechanistic studies on the redox behaviour of Ru(III) complexes. |
Dr. Shaban Shaban, MSc
Magic Show:
Logistics and show procedure. |
Scientific interest:
Mechanistic studies on the binding of NO to pentadentate-ligated Fe(II) complexes. |
Ursula Niegratschka
Magic Show:
Team assistant and good spirit of the institute. |
Uwe Reißer, Peter Igel, Wilfried Hofmann, Manfred Weller
Magic Show:
Planning and technical realization of stage elements and requisites. |
Ehemalige Teammitglieder
Magic Rudi and his crew would like to thank the following people who participated in the show for many years:
 Dr. Wolfgang Schiessl |
 Dr. Nadine Summa |
 Dr. Joachim Maigut |
 Dr. David Sarauli |
 Dr. Hakan Ertürk |
 Dr. Hans Hanauer |
 Dr. Ewa Pasgreta |
 Fanny Vidali |
 Dr. Alexander Theodoridis |
 Dr. Natalya Hessenauer |
 Dr. Katarina Dürr |
 Dominik Lieb |